Terms And Conditions for Picaii AI Services

Last updated: April 22 2023

Picaii provides a service that generates images (called “Generations”), combined with a set of pictures uploaded by the user (called “Training Set”). By using the service, users confirm that they are at least 16 years old and meet the minimum age of digital consent in their country, or have parental or guardian consent to use the service.

Minimum Age Policy

Users confirm that they meet the minimum age requirements to use the service, or have parental or guardian consent to use the service if they are not old enough to consent in their country. Parents or legal guardians allowing teenagers to use the service must read and comply with the terms of use. The service makes no assurances regarding the suitability of Generations for users.

Image Usage Policy

Users may use Generations for any legal purpose, including commercial use, subject to compliance with these terms and the Content Policy. Users may not use the service for NSFW, hateful, violent, or copyrighted material. Users may buy credits to create additional training, subject to payment terms. Any violations of these terms or the Content Policy may result in the deletion of Prompts and Uploads, or suspension or banning of accounts.

Generational Ownership Policy

Users own their Prompts, Uploads, and Generations to the extent allowed by law. Picaii grants users exclusive rights to reproduce and display such Generations and will not resell Generations that users have created or assert any copyright in such Generations against users or their end-users, provided they comply with these terms and the Content Policy.

Data Retention Policy

Generated images, training pictures, and models will be automatically deleted 30 days after the training time ends. Users may delete the fine-tune object including the trained model, training images, and generated images at any time before.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Picaii makes no guarantees or promises about how the service operates or that it will function as intended. The service is provided "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" without warranties of any kind. Picaii does not warrant that the service will function uninterrupted, secure, or free of viruses or harmful components, or that the results of using the service will meet users' requirements.

Updates to Terms of Service

Picaii may modify or replace any of the Terms of Service or change, suspend, or discontinue the service at any time by posting a notice on the Picaii or Service or by sending an email to users. It is the user's responsibility to check the Terms of Service periodically for changes. Continued use of the service following the posting of any changes to the Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Governing Law

The law of the European Union shall govern any dispute arising under these terms, the access or use of Picaii web app, etc., regardless of the user's domicile, residence, or location.

Liability Limitation

Picaii and its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from users' access to or use of the service.

Data Protection and Privacy

Picaii is committed to protecting the privacy of its users' data. This section outlines how Picaii collects, uses, and protects user data, as well as what user rights are under GDPR.

Collection of Data

Picaii collects personal data such as name, email address, and payment information for the purposes of providing the service to users. Picaii may also collect non-personal data such as IP address and browser information.

Use of Data

Picaii uses user data to provide the service, improve the service, and communicate with users about the service. Picaii may also use data for marketing purposes, but only if users have given their consent.

Protection of Data

Picaii takes measures to protect user data, including using encryption and secure servers. Picaii will only share user data with third parties if required by law or if necessary to provide the service.

User Rights

Under GDPR, users have the right to access, rectify, and delete their data. Users also have the right to object to the processing of their data, as well as the right to data portability.


Picaii uses cookies to improve the service and provide a better user experience. This section outlines what cookies are used and how they are used.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user's device. They are used to remember user preferences and improve the user experience.

Use of Cookies

Picaii uses cookies to improve the service and provide a better user experience. Cookies may be used to remember user preferences, provide personalized content, and track user behavior on the site.

Managing Cookies

Users can manage cookies in their browser settings. However, disabling cookies may affect the functionality of the site.

Legal Basis for Processing Data

This section outlines the legal basis for processing user data, which is required under GDPR.

Legal Basis

Picaii processes user data based on user consent, which is given when users agree to the Terms and Conditions.

User Rights

Withdrawing Consent

Users have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. However, this may affect their ability to use the service. Access, Rectification, and Deletion Users have the right to access, rectify, and delete their data. Users can exercise these rights by contacting Picaii support.

Objecting to Processing

Users have the right to object to the processing of their data for marketing purposes or other reasons.

Data Portability

Users have the right to data portability, which means that they can request a copy of their data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

Appointment of Data Protection Officer

Picaii has appointed a Data Protection Officer to ensure compliance with GDPR. This section outlines the responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer.


The Data Protection Officer is responsible for ensuring that Picaii is in compliance with GDPR, including managing user data, responding to user requests, and monitoring data breaches.

Data Breach

Contact Information Users can contact the Data Protection Officer at info@picaii.com.

Legal Jurisdiction

This section specifies the EU country whose laws will govern any disputes arising under the Terms and Conditions.

Governing Law

The governing law for any disputes arising under these terms shall be the laws of [insert EU country].


The courts of Malta shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under these terms.


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